Lobelia siphilitica - Great Blue Lobelia
This striking wildflower is native to moist shady woods, where it's usually found near a stream bed, though it does tolerates dry spells and full sun. Astonishing 3' purple-blue spikes of purple-blue flowers appear in late summer. Its color is more intensely purple in semi-shade, but you can plant it anywhere. Hummers love it and deer do not.
Perennial in almost any climate, it self-seeds politely, forming a nice clump without becoming a nuisance. Deep roots make it drought-tolerant, but it will grow happily in a pot. Sun, shade, wet, dry, this is a most agreeable wildflower.
****** Optimal germination temperatures should be 50-55 degrees, direct sow right before the last spring frost, or cold stratify for 60 days in the fridge. *******
Seeds need light to germinate, surface sow, do not cover. Use a light water pressure to keep soil moist, but not soaking wet. Harder water pressure can bury seeds too deeply to germinate.
200 tiny seeds