Baja Fairy Duster, Calliandra californica
Baja Fairy Duster is a feathery shrub with red powder puff blooms. Completely drought tolerant, it loves full sun and desert heat, but looks like it grows in a fairyland. The dark green leaves resemble miniature ferns and the blooms look like fireworks. They attract hummingbirds and delight humans.
Calliandras are happy in zones 9-11, thrive in full sun, lean soil, can handle a light frost. C. californica is slow-growing and reaches around 3' high before spreading out to a width of nearly 6'. It's spectacular in a container and can be moved to a a sheltered area in cooler zones. This is a very showy plant. The red blooms attract hummingbirds and delight humans.
This sweetheart is native to sandy washes in Baja California and is perfect for zeriscaped gardens. No water? No problem. You can still have a pretty garden.
5 seeds.